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About this site

Hi guys and welcome to our jam packed website,

"Get Out Go Travel" with Jules and Dougie.


Our website is initially designed purely as a one stop for all compendium of experienced travel tips, idea's, useful information, advisory and an interactive sharing site which we know can only enhance your travel experience. Whether it be simply a day out, weekend away, vacation, business travel, volunteering, right up to a complete life change, be it a life of travel or even immigration.


We have and plan to evolve this site as a continuing, growing and diverse website, realizing that time changes the world, the way we persive it, attitutes to travel and life styles that may not conform to what is the so called "norm".


This is a user friendly, interactive site with easy to use ways of navigating and getting the information you need pertaining to your specific set of circumstances.


There is a numerical index of every tip conceivable. A complete list of catergories, systematically working from conception of wanting to GetOuGoTravel, through the various stages of planning, packing, going, extending, to coming back or not. Video's and stories of travel. Featured areas of travel and forums to share experiences. Links to and from the index's to each catergory. There will be a search engine to browse and various categories for individual needs i.e. life change travelling, vacational travelling, international and domestic travel, to just the odd day or two travelling.


We decided to create this website after realising that a blog site would not allow us to share and assist others the way we feel we could. Also a way for us personally to collate addition tips, advice and useful information that we both can learn from.



Tip 0084 Never too experienced to learn


Your never too old, too experienced, too street savy to know everything and we all can learn from sharing.


Initially wanting to start planning for our next big adventure, we finally realised that not only have we accumulated a wealth of knowledge over the years prior but we would also acquire more knowledge the more we travel.

Every time we set out to travel we go through our same process of research and then set about planning our trip and what we need to do to achieve a successful outcome.


Each trip we try to find out as much as possible and each time we spend weeks searching all over the place. The net, Googling away like troupers. A trip down to the travel agents, trip advisor, books, brochures, literature, friends, family, in fact pillar to post and back fifty times and more.

Inevitably it's true, the more you research the better chance you have of getting close to what you want.

Invariably, we miss something from time to time and as we travel more we learn more and miss less but no matter how much we plan and research, there will always be something we miss, unless of course it suits you to go back  to the same place time and time again.


Now this suits some people as they stay in their safety/comfort zone and this is fine for them but everyone is different, having varying life style values and we try to respect all ideals from all who visits our site.



STORY 1 Isolation in Bali


I was in Bali ............... and wanting to find where the beautiful rice paddy fields are in the local area.


On walking into a local shop, I found a postcard with a picture of the rice fields on it and asked where might I find this area.


I ended up in the store for about 3 hours chatting away as usual. The whole family joined in, maybe 5 generations in all, whereupon out came dinner and after a few slurps of delicious beverage, it was clear no one had a clue where this area was.

It turned out that the fields where less than 3 kilometres away.


There are many morals to this story but the main point was, that this family was born, bred and lived solely within the confines of the shop and immediate vicinity. They hadn't stepped outside their safety/comfort zone, although I must say they were the most wonderful, caring, nurturing and giving family I've met for a long time and perfectly happy with their lot.


They, through safety have isolated themselves to their own little world and I agree this is fine for some but not for all.



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