Our Associations
We would like to be totally transparent in all that we do relating to Getoutgtravel.com and list here any links or associations with other companies and organisations that have either approached us, or we feel that we would like to have on board, to enhance your getoutgotravel experience.
If you have any concerns on any matters what so ever, please feel free to contact us direct at:- traveltips@getoutgotravel.com
Radio lollipop
Why we have an association with Radio Lollipop?
Having worked alongside so many amazing volunteers for many years within this organisation at many levels, I can personally say I have seen firsthand the fantastic work and benefits brought to many children in hospital all around the world.
Apart from the main objective of providing care, comfort play and entertainment for children in hospital, a 2009 Study undertaken at Children's Hospital Orange County in USA found;
After the Radio Lollipop activity, children reported a significant decrease in overall anxiety with the greatest reduction coming in the area of worry.
Analyses of (FACES) scores revealed a significant reduction in perceived pain after the program.
Princess Margaret Hospital Perth, Western Australia;
Postgraduate research reported an 82% reduction in request for pain-killing drugs after Radio Lollipop involvement.
Mater Children's hospital Brisbane Qld, Australia;
In 1990 the Mater Children's Hospital reported saving over $400,000 in un-administered drugs after the first year of Radio Lollipop operation.
The Radio Lollipop service was founded in the UK in 1979 as a one-off project.
After more than thirty years as an entirely volunteer organisation, Radio Lollipop has grown to include over 10,000 volunteers operating 26 hospital radio stations in 5 countries and also operate satellite stations in a number of suburban/regional hospitals.
Since 1979 Radio Lollipop volunteers have directly helped nearly 5 million sick children in hospitals and reached over 13 million people worldwide.
We whole heartedly continue to support Radio Lollipop in any way we can and are extremely proud of our association.
Should you require any additional information on our association, please do not hesitate to contact us Dougie and Jules at:-
We also direct you to Radio Lollipop's main website page for your interest and further communications there on, by the link below.
In 2 Bat
Why we have an association with In 2 Bat?
Having known In 2 Bat's founder for many years and supported the organisation as it evolves, we regularly keep in touch with its current affairs and support their efforts for a better life for those less fortunate than the average person or persons within Australia and the developing world.
"In 2 Bat" is a service organisation formed by professionals who have passion for and experience in fund raising to help those less fortunate in both the Australian and Overseas Communities. In 2 Bat has aligned with "Global Support Association Inc." to provide half of its funding to International Projects under the watchful eyes of our Vice-President International Operations and Vice President IT who both have had many years experience in overseas aid.
In 2 Bat main objective is to raise funds and carry out works to improve the living standards, health, nutrition and education of those in the Australian Community and Communities overseas who are currently disadvantaged through no fault of their own.
It is with great pride that we continue to support "In 2 Bat" as it evolves and grows for much needed support.
Should you require any additional information on our association, please do not hesitate to contact us Dougie and Jules at:-
We also direct you to "In 2 Bat's" main website page for your interest and further communications there on, by the link below.
Global Support Association Inc
Why we have an association with Global Support Association Inc?
Being introduced to John and Marilyn from "Global Support" some time ago and on hearing about all the great work overseas that they had already carried out, it was impossible for me to refuse joining in with some projects already on the go in Laos.
Coming on board to assist in the overseas project management of a much needed gravity fed water supply to an ethnic minority and disadvantaged children's school in northern Laos, I had the great pleasure in working alongside this amazing organisation and seeing firsthand the major benefits that their efforts bring to countries that have little or no assistance within.
Global Support Association Inc. is a not for profit organisation - Public Benevolent Institution - incorporated in Australia and led by Philanthropists. It is a registered charity with the ACNC and has DGR (Deductible gift recipient status from The Australian Tax Office).
It was commenced by a group of Senior Professional Citizens and Retirees (mostly members of international service clubs) who wanted to combine their efforts to leverage and provide support to the needy globally. This help is provided in a hands on way with importance on sustainability.
Support comes in through the use of public donations and PAFS, advertising revenue, personal effort, sales of local handicrafts and hands on help in country and from Australia by members, associates, and volunteers.
We are happy to assist in any way possible for "Global Supports" continuing and extraordinary humanitarian endeavours.
Should you require any additional information on our association, please do not hesitate to contact us Dougie and Jules at:-
We also direct you to "Global Support Association Inc" main website page for your interest and further communications there on, by the link below.
Campaign for Samuel Inc.
Why we have an association with "Campaign for Samuel"?
In a chance meeting, we had the great fortune to be able to meet up, on a personal level with the Grandparents of Samuel Thorne. Where we found out all about the amount of assistance and attention that is needed to care for someone with the condition of Transverse Myelitis.
This individual plight for continuous funds needed to provide just a normality of life for an individual with this condition, spurred us on to find out more about this debilitating condition and the “Campaign for Samuel,” is one we wholeheartedly support.
We are happy to assist in any way possible to the “Campaign for Samuel,” for promoting all events held to raise much needed funds for Samuel.
Should you require any additional information on our association, please do not hesitate to contact us Dougie and Jules at:-
We also direct you to “Campaign for Samuel,” main website page for your interest, donations and further communications thereon, by the link below:-
We openly point out that all funds directed to this cause are non research related and purely for direct assistance to the ongoing costs of care and quality of life for Samuel.
Other useful links for more information on Transverse Myelitis, are below:-