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Tips 0401-0420

Tips 0401-0420

Tip 0401 Credit Card Travel Insurance


This will be added to the “Travel Insurance” and “Credit Card” sections under “Processes of Travel” on the home page toolbar.


Now it may shock some of you to know that you have been paying double for travel insurance!


Did you know that many banks credit cards, offer complimentary international travel insurance! Yes it’s true.


Now we understand that many savvy travellers will already know and take advantage of this, however there are many of you that do not know and this can save you literally thousands each year, especially if you travel for longer than a couple of weeks at a time.


More and more people are joining the grey nomads gang and travel for long periods of time.

This is where standard travel insurance companies raise their prices and to find a 3 month trip costing more than AUD$500 per person is not uncommon.


Even if you do not possess a credit card at the moment, it is well worth exploring the costs of getting one set up to take advantage of this great way to save on your travel insurance.


Many banks offer credit cards with zero annual fees and even if you have to pay a fee, this is still a fraction of the cost of what you would be likely to pay for independant travel insurance.


Obviously check with your bank of choice first to see what benefits they carry and of course make sure that you are covered for you own personal requirements but do look into this great saving, if not looked into already.


Also make sure you obtain a copy of the insurance policy from the company that your bank uses for this complimentary facility.


You may need to purchase a small amount of your pending trip with the credit card, for example part of your flights, accommodation or tour but this is usually a nominal amount and can be paid off immediately back into your account.


We talk more about credit cards and travel in a new section coming soon to the website.


Tip 0408-0420 to follow



Tip 0402 Head support for travel


We all know that on average, our heads are the heaviest part of the human body. Whilst travelling and especially when tired, unless you are travelling in a bed or laying in the prone position, it is very difficult to get comfortable or have a comfortable sleep.


Incorrect head posture is one of the main reasons for a bad night's sleep and maximising comfort is essential for good sleep, extended travel and stiff neck reduction.


We have two tips hear as as previously mentioned in our camping section, if possible take a long body pillow with you for travel. This allows you to rest your head comfortably and also reduces vibration and noise from the hard furnishings, such as car doors, coach panels and aeroplane windows and walls.


Our top tip here though, is to take a lightweight scarf with you wherever you travel.

Wrap it around the back of your headrest and then around your scalp securing you snug against the headrest. (Make sure it is not lower than your nose to avoid any type of strangulation or injury).


This scarf is an essential piece of kit to take anywhere or time you travel. It doubles up as some additional warmth garment and many other applications.


Comfort is “the” most import part of travelling. The more comfortable you are, the more enjoyable travelling becomes.


Tip 0403 Visa requirements


We kick of this tip with a quick link and a mention that we will be completing our “Visa” section on our “Processes of Travel” section in this website very shortly.


This is a large area to cover as an international website but in our “visa section” we show you some of the basics, pitfalls and shortcuts to simplifying the issue of whether or not you need to obtain tourism visas and or, the best way to go about obtaining one.


A great one place for all, to check if you need a visa for a particular country to travel too, is on “Wikipedia” of your own country.


For Australians head to link below:- (taken on 26/07/2017)


This is a great start on finding “what and if” you need a visa for a particular country. Please note and bear in mind, that the government regulations change all the time and updated information does not always filter through and change quick enough.


A great rule of thumb is to always contact the embassy, consulate of the country or countries you are planning to travel to. Also how you enter a country has a bearing on what type of visa you might need.


Nowadays there are many countries that have reciprocal fee, visa waivers or electronic visa, travel cards, and freedom of movement.  


It is becoming more and more easier to travel around the globe and less countries requiring pre-booked visa’s but do not get caught out. Visa on arrival and visa required are two different things.


If you’re booking via a “Travel Agent” they should have this all covered but you will pay a premium for this service and sometimes the cost of the visa is less than the cost of the agents fees.


Please factor into your costings the price of visa’s or the fees for entry. Although you may not need to pre apply/pay for a visa to many countries, there will be fees to pay.

If you are on a tight budget or are travelling economically, you will need to factor these costs into your travel budget.

Visa’s for a family of four could cost a hefty sum.


Generally it is just as easy to do it yourself and don’t be scared into having an agent do it for you. You will be told a whole heap of things to get you to use an agent rather than do it yourself. Of course, the agent wants your money!!


Basically an agent does exactly what you can do yourself. The only difference is that they do it all the time and “should” know the correct way to fill out the application forms. This is not always the case and in fact the travel agents sometimes use a sub-agent to do their work for them, making you pay even more for the privilege!


Most people will know that once a visa has been granted you have a set amount of time to enter the country the visa is granted for and mostly this is within the year it is granted. So there usually is no rush and you can plan the best time to send it off for your visa well before your departure date.


A great tip if you plan your travels well in advance, is to apply for postal visa’s out of peak times.


tip 0402 Head support
tip 0403 Visa requirements
tip 0404 Visa applications

Tip 0404 Visa applications


This is and not limited to, just before and during summer school holidays, for example in the southern hemisphere, November, December and January and in the northern hemisphere, June, July and August. Time just before Easter and pre-events like Olympics, World Cup, Commonwealth games and festivals of the country you intend visiting.


Other months are when the embassy's are less inundated with applications but always give yourselves plenty of time, as their offices have less staff at these times.


If there is more of an urgency about obtaining your visa, then you should find and contact the nearest consulate/embassy and book an appointment. Make sure you have all the relevant documents and check to see if you need any copies notarized prior to your appointment.


Remember our well used phrase, “Planning and Research.” A little research here will save you a bucket load of money and may even pay for the cost of another trip somewhere else later on. So save your pennies and do it yourself is our motto, if you are a confident traveller.

Tip 0405 Carry additional passport type photos


This is a great tip to bear in mind. Some countries still require an individual passport photo as you enter the country and having a few spares in the pocket of your passport holder is good advice.


It is far easier having some spares with you than queuing or trying to find a photo booth or shop in the country you are about to depart for arrival into the next country you intend getting too.


As with "Tip 0158" under the passport section of this website. Take a copy of your passport and email it to yourself especially the visa’s section of the countries you are currently travelling too.


This will probably be the only evidence of visa approval that you would be carrying with you whilst travelling.

tip 0405 Carry additional pass photos

Tip 0406 Time your swim


Within the “learn to swim” section of the website under “Swimming.” “Time your swim” relates to taking time to relax in water and get comfortable but we also talk about tips on the best time to, or not to swim.


It is best not to swim directly after a heavy meal!

Whilst there is little evidence that swimming directly after eating, has attributed to any fatalities in the water, it can be extremely uncomfortable trying to swim on a full stomach. Swimming exercises the body and exercising on a full stomach can and will cause nausea and or even vomiting and cramping/stitch.


Do not drink alcohol and attempt to swim!

This is a different matter altogether. There has been many deaths, due to swimming whilst intoxicated and or after the use of drugs. There is no rule of thumb here, just don’t do it, plain and simple.


If you are feeling unwell, try not to follow the crowds and go swimming.

There is a certain peer pressure, especially whilst travelling or on holiday to “join in or you’ll miss out!”

If you are feeling unwell, just be careful, or it could get a lot worse.


Be very careful if you have an ear infection, especially if you go underwater.

This is sound advice (excuse the pun!)

Although many ear infection have little to no effect being submerged in water, there can be discomfort.

The two exceptions to this is if you have swimmers ear (otitis externa) or middle ear infection.

Swimmer's Ear is usually caused by water, so best not carry out water activities until treated. Middle Ear is more serious especially if submerged and underwater swimming will be quite painful and diving is not recommended at all.


Tip 0407 Sun and temperature.


Keep out of the heat of the sun, especially when diving into the water! Sudden drop in body temperature at the onset of heat stroke, will cause dizziness and disorientation, or worse, loss of consciousness.


We have had first hand experience of this and a common problem not often talked about.


Many people sit around the edge of a pool or by the sea soaking up the sun. They start to get hot and jump/dive into the water to cool down.

If you have been exposed to the full heat of the sun, especially if you are not wearing a hat. You are asking for trouble.

If you need to cool down, then submerge yourself slowly. Keep near the shallows until you are ready to move on.


Swimming at dawn and dusk in the sea makes for an interesting meal for marine life.

We have swam with many different varieties of shark with no problem at all but even we wouldn’t swim with them at feeding time or when the sun is so low in the water that they generally have difficulty see what you are in the water.


If you are swimming a long way, especially in the sea try to swim against any current on the way out, making for an easier swim on the way back.


Conserve energy and save strength for return swims.


Know your area! Research or ask the locals all about the area you intend to swim in.


Keep an eye on the time of day.


tip 0406 Time your swim
Tip 0407 Sun and temperature
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