Welcome to "Get Out Go Travel" and we hope you enjoy what we feel will be one of the most informative sites in the world for constructive information, that we hope will benefit all that visit.
This sites primary focus is the sharing of information and is intended purely as a guide only for anyone with a need for condensed information from one site. This is not a review site and is purely an aid to assist all who visit with some experienced insider information which we hope will enthuse you all to Get Out Go Travel.
We intend to share constructive information in an un bias way that is both helpful, constructive and fun.
Get Out Go Travel is about any travel information that helps anyone achieve their goals of travel, albeit travelling for a day to travelling for ever.
There is no intention of prejudice in any way shape or form and in this we also mean that everyone has there own ideas of what they each would like out of such a site.
Sadly to get this site up and running as soon as we can, we will not have the facility initially to cater for sperate groups and not to single out such as language variety, vision impaired, disabilities that makes this site unusable and for this we are deeply sorry and will try to address these issues in the future. Hopefully we can get some help on these issues for the future.
We intend to have open discussion on as much as we can for site growth and again, welcome thoughts on this. Initially there is a forum, contact details and facebook link where discussion can be made.