Getoutgotravel Forum
Our "Forum" is for all to join in the fun and make comment or contribute to the evolution of this website.
Please be aware that this site is primarily here to share tips, advice and information about inspiring people to getoutgotravel.
This is a fun website and we hope you all join in and share some of your very own tips and ideas on our forum, as well as hopefully take a few tips onboard from our website already.
We would really welcome some initial feedback on your first impressions of this website and how you find navigation to the tips we have so far.
Our "Top tips" page will be adjusted according to our supporters votes, so please vote or share some of your best travel tips for inclusion.
You are all welcome to send in pictures and videos related to your own personal travel experiences via email to:-
Your name will be included in credit should you wish it to be.
Please do not be offended if we either can't use them or take a while to include them as we still have 92% of our own material still to collate.